
Voodoo-X is MUI-based front-end for Dirk Stoecker's powerful unarchiving system - xadmaster.library. Unlike other dearchiver front-ends, Voodoo-X doesn't depend on the archiver commands (such as LZX, LHA, DMS, etc.) being in the C: drawer nor does it require complicated command line setups for these commands. This is because XAD does all the hard work. :-)

Voodoo-X allows you to quickly browse an archive's contents and view individual files (with multiview) like pictures and documents just by double clicking your mouse. This method of browsing archives proves to be highly effective since you don't need to get your hands dirty by extracting files to temporary locations such as Ram:. Voodoo-X does all that for you.

With the help of XAD, Voodoo-X supports more archiver formats than you can wave a stick at, Amiga and non-Amiga, these include:

LZX, LHA, ZIP, WinZip-MS EXE, DMS, DMS-SFX, Tar, GZip, RAR, SuperDuper, CrunchDisk, xDisk, PackDev, Zoom, Shrink and many many more...

xadmaster.library is a modular system and will support even more archivers in the future.

Voodoo-X doesn't actually write disk-based archives (like DMS, xMash, etc.) back to disk, but instead examines them to see if they are OFS or FFS formatted, if they are, it then allows you to browse through the contents of them and retrieve individual files.

Voodoo-X can also retrieve files from inside standard FFS formatted (i.e AmigaDOS) ADF files, OFS, FFS, DirCache, International, Double-Density (aka DD) and high-density (aha HD) disks formats are all supported.